Pia Dela Rosa obtained a Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing with a Dean’s List and Honours Distinction from the University of Victoria. She completed her Executive Masters in Business Administration from Quantics School of Business. She is a member of the Canadian Health Executive Leaders. For the majority of her career, she was employed at Fraser Health Authority. Having been a Vascular Access Clinician, she was awarded a certificate of recognition by Fraser Health Authority and a Canadian Healthcare Hero Medal by the City of Burnaby for her efforts during the covid pandemic. She worked as a Health Director for Shishalh Nation while serving as a member of the First Nations Health Directors Association and First Nations Primary Care Network. She is passionate about improving programs and accessibility to mental health especially for remote and Indigenous communities. She also advocates for ongoing mental health education and better personal mental health support for healthcare workers. She is a proponent for the peer-assisted care teams in dealing with mental health crisis in the communities.

Hope After Trauma Academy
On March 25, 2024, the BC Borstal Association will launch the Hope After Trauma Academy.